

Electrical Components w/Real Time Pricing

Our built-in Digital Pricebook has over 10,000 Electrical Component materials with Real-Time Pricing & Built-In Labor Hours, organized into over 1,300 Assemblies and represented by 240 Smart Symbols.


Deliver Clear & Detailed Design Plans Every Time 

Our Visual Designer uses our Smart Symbol library to access over 1,300 Pre-Built Assemblies to facilitate quick drag & drop design to deliver a detailed scope of work and complete design drawings.


No More Guesswork, Take-Off Like a Pro

Our Quick Take-Off tool uses our library of over 1,300 pre-built Assemblies to facilitate and deliver your quantity take-off and produce your complete scope of work. Perfect for fully designed projects or service calls from your tablet or phone.


Quick Turnaround & Easy Approval

From your design, our Proposal Builder creates  accurate and professional proposals. BidPak automatically calculates total labor hours and material costs, and applies your company's labor rates, overhead and profit margins. 


Ordering Materials Made Easy

BidPak automatically produces a complete Bill of Materials and allows you to easily order materials directly from your Distributor, Retailer or an eCommerce website. 



Simplified Project & Team Allocation

Create and manage a company calendar using drag-and-drop features to track project and manpower allocation. Schedule your projects and manpower with confidence to prevent over-scheduling.  


Capture All Changes for Every Project, Every Time

BidPak captures all changes or unforeseen conditions that are very valuable to any project. Simply make adjustments in our quick Take-Off or Visual Designer and get the digital approval to ensure all updates are accounted for and all revenue is captured. 


Invoices Made Easy, Get Paid Faster with BidPak

BidPak's Invoice Builder creates all necessary invoices from your approved proposals or change orders to streamline your invoicing and collection process. BidPak can create a deposit, progress, or final invoice to electronically send to your customer with a payment link. Our invoice module integrates with your accounting system. 


Stay Ahead & Manage Projects w/Better Visibility

BidPak keeps you organized and streamlines your operations with the tools to efficiently manage all aspects of your business. Our Project Binder keeps track of all of your paperwork including permits, inspection reports, submittals and quotes from Distributors and tracks all activity.


Make Confident Decisions with Real Time Data

BidPak’s Dashboard is designed to keep you in touch with all recent projects, activities, analytics, and overall company performance to make data-driven decisions for business growth and profitability.