Quick Start

1. Set Up Your Business:

1. Company Information: Enter your company name, address, and phone number.

2. Business Settings: Here you'll set your default profit margins for materials, labor, overhead, and target profit. These can be adjusted for each project later.

3. Logo & Business Licenses: Upload your company logo and business licenses for inclusion on proposals, invoices, and change orders.

2. Starting Your First Project:

1. New Project Button: Click the "New Project" button on your home screen or projects screen.

2. Project Type: Select your project type (residential or commercial) and subtype (new construction, remodel, service, etc.). BidPak can use project type-specific settings.

3. Client Selection: Choose a new or existing customer from the list.

4. Templates: BidPak offers pre-built templates for common projects. You can also create and save your own templates.

5. Project Details:

3. Design Your Project:

1. Visual Design:

2. Work Packages:

3. Adding Assemblies:

What: The device or equipment being installed (e.g., light switch, receptacle)

How: The installation method (e.g., Romex, MC Cable)

Why: The reason for installation (e.g., powering a specific device)

Where: The installation location (e.g., interior, exterior)

Move/Resize/Rotate: Position and size the symbol for accurate placement.

Copy/Details/Change Package: Duplicate symbols, adjust assembly details, or change the work package.

Delete: Remove unwanted symbols.

4. Real-Time Takeoff: As you design, BidPak automatically generates a takeoff list with breakdowns for labor hours, labor costs, and material costs.

5. Contract Price: Monitor your project's final sales price in real time, allowing adjustments based on customer discussions.

Pro Tip: You can also add assemblies directly to the takeoff list without using the Visual Designer.

4. Create Your Own Assembly:

From the Assemblies tab or in the visual designer you can build your own assemblies and save them in your account. 

5. Review & Submit a Winning Proposal:

1. Review the Proposal: Carefully review all details before submitting it to your customer.

2. Reports & Settings Review: Ensure your business settings are accurate for this project to maximize profitability.

3. Notes & Exclusions: Add any necessary notes to clarify your plan and define project exclusions (which can be set as default).

4. Scope of Work Detail Level: Select the desired level of detail for your scope of work.

5. Submit the Proposal: Electronically send the proposal for customer approval via email or text message. Drawings from the visual designer are automatically included.

6. Order Materials with our Procurement Tool

1. Bill of Materials: Utilize BidPak's procurement tools to generate a complete bill of materials that can be sent by email to a Distributor of your choice. 



Catalog Number


2. Selection: Choose one, two, or all work packages to include in the materials list sent to your Distributor.

3. Distributor Integration: Download or Copy a .csv file to quickly add to your Distributor's “Quick Add” feature from their website.  *Currently only supported by Platt Electric Supply

7. Schedule with Accuracy:

After a project is awarded then you can schedule it multiple ways: 

1.  Schedule by Work Package to align with the project or construction schedule:

2. Schedule by Phase:

3. All Work Packages & Phases can be assigned to one or multiple team members

4. Predictive Scheduling allows you to choose the size of your project team, and then BidPak will calculate the number of days and find the first available time to schedule your project.

8. Review & Submit an Invoice:

1. Create a Down Payment, Progress, or Final Invoice for your Project based on your Approved Proposal. 

2. Show the Progress of each work package on every invoice

3. Submit via email, or text message and collect payment right away. 

9. Manage Changes Smoothly:

1. After your proposal has been accepted then any change made to the proposal in the Visual Designer or Take-off will create a Change Order for the additional work. 

2. Same process as creating a proposal.

10. Track Your Progress:  G-3YKJCK2380

1. Each Work Package and Smart Symbols get created as tasks for your project. 

2. Track your daily progress with our Task list. 

3. Check them off as you complete your work.